In a recent case reported by the Insolvency…
Call for input on new trade negotiations with Turkey
The Department for Business and Trade has launched a call for input on an updated free trade agreement (FTA) with Turkey.
The deal would replace the existing UK-Turkey FTA, which was rolled over from when the UK left the European Union but doesn’t cover key areas of the UK economy like services, digital, and data.
The consultation seeks input on:
- what you think about the UK’s current trading arrangements with Turkey;
- where the UK could make changes or improvements; and
- where you are facing challenges or constraints when attempting to trade with Turkey.
The UK government will use this information to help inform their approach for starting negotiations on a new FTA with Turkey in the future.
This is an opportunity for businesses, organisations and individuals to help shape and refine the UK’s negotiating aims ahead of the talks.
This call closes at 11:45pm on 5 January 2024.
See: Trade with Turkey: call for input – GOV.UK (