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Apple Intelligence

At WWDC 2024 last week, Apple unveiled its much-anticipated first step into artificial intelligence.

Apple’s strategy is to use AI within its ecosystem to enhance user experiences, focusing on practical applications. These AI features are designed to enhance the functionality of Apple’s operating software for Mac, iPad, and iPhone. One of the standout features is an update to Siri, Apple’s voice assistant, which will improve its voice control and functionality.

During the announcement, Tim Cook expressed his belief that Apple’s unique combination of hardware, software, and services integration gives them an advantage over other tech companies making use of AI.

A key concern for businesses will be how Apple implements privacy and security. While some processing will be done on-device, more complex requests will require the use of the cloud. Apple emphasized that they have robust security measures in place, but due to the privacy and security concerns that can surround AI use, it will be important to see exactly how they implement these before committing to widescale use.

Many businesses are also finding it difficult to work out how to apply AI to their work and workflows. By focusing on practical applications rather than flashy technologies, Apple Intelligence might help users boost their productivity in meaningful ways.

Apple Intelligence is not coming to all devices, though. In the current lineup, only the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max, and MacBooks and iPads with M1 chips or later, will be compatible with Apple Intelligence. This means that there could be a drive to buy the new iPhones and Macs that are capable of running these advanced AI features. This would be good news for Apple, but perhaps not for your IT budget!

See: Apple Events

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