Contractors & Freelancers
Do you need to incorporate a limited company?
We can help with the following:
- Structuring your UK company
- Incorporating a limited company
- Incorporating an SPV (Special purposes vehicle)
- Registering an office
- Opening a business bank account
- Registering for VAT
- Registering as an employer (PAYE scheme set-up)
- General advice on record-keeping and statutory obligations
We specialise in making things simple for you as a business owner by:
- explaining in simple terms your statutory filing obligations
- not only advising and recommending the best structure, but also taking the time to explain why we suggest certain structures over others
- building a collaborative relationship
- improving our service to help you reach your business goals.
We are passionate about what we do and that is working with people and helping businesses growth.
Don’t have a bank account opened yet?
We can advise you on what is the right bank account for your business and help you with setting it up.
Opening a business bank account is now easier than ever. No more waiting weeks to get an appointment with your local bank. Apply for your business bank account online now via our partners at TIDE and have your account opened and ready in minutes.
We can also help clients with:
- Advice on choosing the best banks for your needs.
- Establishing the right banking connections through our well-established network..
- Preparing business plans and raising finance.
For all your bookkeeping needs, our team can help with the following:
- Processing and allocating transactions
- Picking the right bookkeeping system for your business
- Preparing supplier remittances and payments
- Producing real-time management reports, outstanding debtors, creditors, cash flow forecasts etc.
- Customer invoicing and credit control
- Bank and key balance sheet account reconciliation
- Active week-to-week cash flow management
Before we start processing information, we like to review our clients’ systems, processes and procedures to establish if there is any way of making the data-flow for bookkeeping more efficient. We’ll identify the processing of information that can be automated, giving you more time to spend on your business.
Working efficiently and effectively together (client and bookkeeper) can reduce bookkeeping time significantly, resulting in lower fees and more rapid delivery of management information for the business owner.
Whether you’re doing it yourself or with the help of a tax advisor, everyone needs tax planning.
This is probably the part we enjoy most.
There is nothing more satisfying than helping clients save 1000s of pounds in taxes by structuring their income more tax efficiently.
We all have to pay our taxes but there are numerous ways of saving tax and making sure you do not pay a penny more than is absolutely necessary within the legal framework .
We have extensive experience in this area and are continuously looking for ways to help our clients pay themselves more tax efficiently.
We can help with all the following:
- Business tax
- Personal tax
- Capital gains
- VAT planning
- Profit extraction strategies and options
- Business exit strategies
- Research and development claims
- Claiming expenses
- Claiming relevant capital allowances, e.g, annual investment allowance
- Creating the best corporate structure for your business, based on your personal circumstances.
- Claiming Business Asset Disposal Relief when you sell or close your business
We don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach, we take the time to make sure we understand your specific business strategy to determine the best profit extraction strategy for you.
We can help you with your VAT requirements
Some of the ways we can help:
- Advise when you need to register for VAT
- Which VAT scheme to register for, e.g., flat rate VAT, standard VAT, cash or accounting etc.
- Registering your business for VAT
- Submitting VAT returns
- Deal with EC sales/purchases
- HMRC VAT audits and enquiries
- Advice on record keeping for VAT
- Advice on more complex areas of VAT e.g. exempt sales, sales outside VAT scope, partial exemption and VAT margin schemes
VAT is a complex area, but it is very important to get it right as you are more than likely to get an audit from HMRC about VAT than anything else.
IR35 came into effect in April 2000 and was designed to tax “disguised employment” at a rate similar to those of permanent employees. In this context a “disguised employee” refers to a worker who receives payments from a client via an intermediary and whose relationship with their client is such that, had they been paid directly, they would be an employee of the client and taxed accordingly.
So IR35 was introduced to help distinguish between permanent employees and genuine temps/contractors. A contractor who is deemed outside the IR35 legislation can make substantial tax savings as the contractor can earn dividends (which are not subject to National Insurance Contributions).
Even though most contractors will sign an IR35 contract when they accept temp roles through recruitment agencies, these contracts are not always enough to safeguard contractors against IR35. As IR35 is a complex piece of employment law legislation we do advise clients to engage the service of a professional to help them understand their position better with regards to this legislation.
How we can help you if you are concerned about IR35.
Accountants are not lawyers, and for advice on IR35 contracts you need someone who understands tax laws as well as employment laws. Because of this, we work alongside experts in these areas.
We can offer assistance in procuring the help you’ll need to review your contract..
We also work with companies that offer business insurance should HMRC enquire into your IR35 tax status. With this insurance you will not only have the peace of mind that you will have expert advice and support, but the cost of all the advice and support will be covered by your insurance.
We prepare payroll on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis – depending on your requirements.
We take care of the following:
- Processing and submitting RTI (real-time information) report to HMRC.
- Generating payslips for each payment period
- Submitting P11d reports (if required)
- Preparing and submitting year-end payroll returns
By using outsourced payroll services to handle your payroll, you can rest assured that all employees will be paid on time, all filing obligations will be met and all payroll queries will be resolved swiftly.
Received a HMRC tax enquiry?
HMRC tax enquiries and investigations can be very stressful and expensive to carry out and it is vital that you get expert advice in dealing with theses.
Anyone can be subject to a tax enquiry or investigation. With continued confusion as to what constitutes acceptable tax planning and what constitutes tax avoidance or evasion, HMRC have further increased the volume of their investigations and are taking full advantage of their considerable power to collect as much tax as possible. As a tax payer, you may be targeted with an enquiry into historical VAT, PAYE, corporation tax and personal tax.
We can help you with the following:
- Self-assessment enquiries
- VAT enquiries
- Corporation tax enquiries
- PAYE enquiries
We can also offer tax investigation insurance, which means should you get an enquiry,
We cannot prevent you from being investigated by the Taxman, but we can help to ensure that you get the best possible support and advice.
Keeping record, getting tax advice and submitting your personal tax return has never been this easy!
We have developed a tool to specifically help you complete your personal tax returns, easily, quickly and accurately – Tax Dashboard
Some of the many advantages of using our online toll – Tax Dashboard:
- Get a fixed fee quote before you do anything by completing the simple quote section
- Takes you step by step through the process of what information we need
- Provides helps and support throughout the process.
- Will advise and guide you about which expenses you can and can’t claim
- Detailed explanations with examples to help you understand complex tax system
- Unlimited telephone and email support to help you though the process
- Receive automated email reminders about when what is due and where you are in the process
Once you have uploaded all the information, a qualified accountant will review and provide you with a draft calculation to discuss and answer any questions you may have before we submit the self-assessment tax return
Your information will be reviewed by qualified accountant, to make sure information is correct and talk you through tax calculation before submitting the return.
We can also help with the following:
- Acting as your agent, to submit your personal tax return on your behalf and deal with HMRC on your behalf.
- Register you for Self-assessment (To apply for a Unique tax reference number).
- Register you for non-resident landlord scheme (if you own property in the UK, but you are not tax resident in the UK).