A non-dom is a UK resident whose permanent…
Self-Assessment – less than 90 days to go!
There are less than 90 days to go until the deadline for filing your Self-Assessment return online.
You need to file your return by 31 January 2024. Filing your return early is an option and means you can find out how much you owe and help you budget and plan for your payment. If you are due a refund, you can claim it back sooner.
If you’ve already sent HMRC your return and paid, you don’t need to do anything else.
If you think you are no longer required to complete a Self-Assessment return, you can ‘Check if you need to send a Self-Assessment tax return‘.
If you no longer need to complete a Self-Assessment return, tell HMRC at, ‘If you no longer need to send a tax return‘ or find more help on their YouTube channel.
If you need assistance in completing your tax return please contact us ahead of the deadline and we will do our best to make sure it’s accurate and filed on time.