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Microsoft recalls “Recall,” its new screenshot feature

Sticking with an AI theme, Microsoft has recently announced updates to Windows that will include Copilot+, its AI solution.

One of the new features of Copilot+ is called “Recall,” which frequently captures screenshots of whatever desktop activity is occurring at the moment and then stores them. This was advertised as a function to make users’ lives easier.

Recall is designed to search through a user’s past activity, including their files, photos, emails, and browsing history. Additionally, the tool takes screenshots every few seconds and stores them.

Understandably, users expressed concerns about the privacy implications of this feature, fearing that hackers might misuse the tool and the saved screenshots. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) also weighed in on the discussion, stating they are making inquiries about it.

In response to these concerns, Microsoft has backpedaled and now confirms that users will have control over what Recall accesses, and saving screenshots will be an opt-in choice during setup, turned off by default.

Microsoft says the updates will be implemented before Copilot+ PCs officially launch on June 18th.

See: BBC News Article

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